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Residential Solar PV
Household normally pays Electricity provider monthly or quarterly
Household receives bill from provider, which includes,
Credit based on unused generated electricity at feedin tariff rate from provider
Once Solar PV installed, we notify Electricity provider and get Feed-in Tariff for household
Solar PV system generates electricity
Supply charge and electricity usage from provider
New bill - savings plus feed-in tariff credits 
Store generated electricity in battery
Solar PPA (Commercial Only)
Client normally pays Electricity provider monthly or quarterly
Client receives bill from provider, which includes,
Credit based on unused generated electricity at feedin tariff rate from provider
Once Solar PV installed, we notify Electricity provider and get Feed-in Tariff for client
Client receives bill from Green IOT Finance Partner based on solar PV generated and PPA rate
Solar PV system generates electricity
Supply charge and electricity usage from provider
Solar PV system transfer to client after PPA
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